I still dabble from time to time on CoD. Think I'm a few versions behind now though. Is punkbuster out yet? Cos most times when I jump on for a few rounds I end up getting pissed off at the blatant cheating and hacking being used by others, even worse when the ones who are so obviously hacking brag about how bloody great they are... RaR!!!
You guys should get FSB back on track, you were a great team.

I remember when people stopped showing up... it was like me and max were the only ones that showed for judge but they were noobs and i was firing my bren randomly and killing them...And then... cypher and rd got sucked into lineage 2 (post if youre reading this cyph) and nobody cares about the team because hank and milk are gone... but now everyones back except cypher and ardy.
If you're fresh, you're clean.
Some guy named OLdDutch e-mailed me a week ago asking if we FSB folk wanted to join his clan. I told him no, but he and his clanmates could join FSB for only $19.50 a month, all proceeds of which would go towards paying my rent. I haven't heard back from him yet but hopefully we can make some money off of this.
Right its starting to be longer and longer between my visits to this site...So if you would be so kind if I don't seem around when something finally happens shoot an email off to ragnarok27@msn.com.I'm guess when the expansion comes out lol... bastids.