omg omg dont throw out jka YET!!!111!11shift!!!
omg omg dont throw out jka YET!!!111!11shift!!! shots blip blip blip blip. RK bad ass mod. FUck i cant breathe Typing becoming Funny you NKow, its the l334t
The Second Canuck
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- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
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- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
____________________________________________________________About the mod:Rurouni Kenshin: Redemption is a Total Conversion for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy based on the Rurouni Kenshin (also known as Samurai X) anime/manga. The gameplay of Jedi Academy will be drastically altered to create a true 3d Kenshin feeling to the game. All major characters in the RK universe will be playable: Himura Kenshin, Sagara Sanosuke, Kamiya Kaoru, Myojin Yahiko, Saitoh Hajime, Hiko Seijuro, Shinomori Aoshi, Makoto Shishio, along with many others.All characters wil reflect their anime-counterparts by their own unique techniques, or 'waza', their own (in most cases) unique character traits, special chained attacks, or combos, and statistics.Statistics:The statistics and their effects RK-R will feature are, as of now:Strength - Increases damage.Constitution - Increases defense, health and stamina.Agility - Increases stamina, overall speed and jump height.Dexterity - Increases accuracy.Awareness - Increases chance to spot players sneaking up on you.Health - Damage your character can take before (s)he's either knocked out or dead.Stamina - Your character's endurance of physical activity.Character Traits:Every character has a special something going for him/her, be it increased wallrunning abilities for Soujiro, or increased stealth techniques for the Oniwabanshuu group. These traits could very well tip the battle over to one side or another.Balance:In the end, all of RK-R's characters will be balanced through stats, availability of waza or chained attacks. An offensive character will have a very high strength rating but a lower awareness rating or have more health, but simply less stamina. The player will have to compensate for each character's strengths and weaknesses.Releases:RK-R will be released in several stages to bring you, the fan, faster what you'd like to have. Our first priority therefore is to get a multiplayer version done, a single player version can always follow up later.Multiplayer Modes:Duel: 2 players fight eachother without any interruptions. This is the gamemode to figure out who's the better samurai/ninja/fighter.Team Duel: Similar to the Duel mode, but instead of 2 players, 2 teams will fight it out. Perfect for clan matches or team tournaments.Cooperative: In this mode, you'll team up with allies to complete a small mission. An example would be the rescue of Megumi from Kanryu's Mansion. You'll have to be aware of your surroundings; a trap or one of the many adversaries could very well be near. Think of this gamemode as a mission you'd encounter in a campaign, but you have some extra players with you to help you out.Singleplayer Mode:The Singleplayer mode will consist of campaigns. You'll relive the entire story, from start to finish, from Tsuiokuhen all the way up to Seisouhen. Of course, you'll not be all alone in these scenarios. In most of them, you'll be backed up by allies.Part 1: Bakumatsu / Hitokiri Battousai: In this part, you'll play as Kenshin during the Bakumatsu, when he was a Hitokiri (assassin). You'll relive all the great moments of the Tsuiokuhen OAVs.Part 2: Redemption / Kenshin the Rurouni: The biggest part of the game. This part will tell the entire story of the TV series. You'll encounter the 'Battousai', Udou Jinne, Sagara Sanosuke, Shinomori Aoshi's Oniwabanshuu, the Juppon Gatana and many others.Part 3: The Finale: In this part, you'll play through the Seisouhen OAVs. The fight with Yuukishiro Enishi is, of course, the part you'll look out for the most.Gameplay:RK-R will feature a rather complicated combat system to explain, but a very good combat system to play with.Basic Movement:The basic movement is for each character the same. All characters will be able to walk, strafe, run, sneak, jump (incl. flips and offwall jumps), crouch, hang from ledges, climb ladders/trees, etc. Of course, some of these abilities are amplified for certain characters. An example of this is the improved sneaking abilities the Oniwabanshuu group has.Melee / Combat:RK-R's melee is split into two modes: locked and unlocked. Different moves and attacks are available in both modes.Unlocked Melee / Basic Melee: In unlocked mode, you cannot perform a lot of attacks, only the standard set of attacks. Also, you cannot perform chained attacks. This mode is best used to perform 'passby attacks'. Be wary of the fact that you cannot block by key in unlocked/basic melee. You'll need to either dodge or parry with another attack or be lucky enough to have your auto-block kick in.Locked Melee / Advanced Melee: First, let's explain the 'lock-on' system: by pushing a button while targetting a opponent, the camera is locked to him/her. You can either disengage the lock by hand by pushing the lock-on button again or moving out of lock-on range. Lock-on is automatically terminated after the attack button isn't used for a set amount of time. Stay alert, because this might just happen at real bad moments.Once you're locked on the real battle can begin and you'll be able to perform many more attacks, chained attacks and waza as well as more defensive moves.Let's discuss the attacks first: Standard melee: During lock-on mode, the movement keys combined with the attack key will enable your character to perform 8 attacks while standing, another 8 while crouching, 2 attacks while jumping (1 during ascend, 1 during descend), a lunge attack and perhaps with some others as well.Chained attacks: Chaining attacks together becomes relatively easy using this system. All you have to do is make sure the movement flows together. If you don't, you'll fumble and the opponent will have a chance to get you where it hurts bad. Each new attack in the chain costs more stamina than the one preceding it, so keep an eye on your stamina bar! Some characters have the oppurtunity to perform their techniques during a chained attack, so stay on your guard at all times.Waza / Special techniques: Now this is where it gets rather interesting and complex. Depending on your selected weapon, you will be able to perform certain waza. These waza are split into three categories: stanced waza, instant waza and modes. Now, what does this all mean? Let's start off with the first category.Detailed Waza Word DocumentStanced Waza: To perform the waza in this category, your character must first enter a stance. These stances require a small amount of stamina to enter. An example of a stance is Kenshin's Battou Jutsu. He first enters the stance, then performs either the standard Battou Jutsu, Sou Ryu Sen (Ikazuchi), Hi Ryu Sen or Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki (the ougi).Okay, so how does it work? It works the same as when you select a weapon (you'll be able to see them on the HUD). Upon 'firing' the weapon, you enter the stance. When in the stance, you have to press the movement keys longer than a set amount of time to get a response. Why? Because you're going to be inputting keycombinations to perform the waza. Timing is essential, since you don't want you move missing and leaving you open.Chained Stances: When in some stances, another set of stances becomes available to stance towards. An example is when Aoshi combines the powers of the Ryuusui no Ugoki Jissen Kenbu (the waterflow movement) with the Kaiten Kenbu Rokuren. You'll need to enter the Ryuusui no Ugoki Jissen Kenbu stance first, then enter the Kaiten Kenbu Rokuren stance and input the buttoncombinations to use Aoshi's deadliest attack.Instant Waza: Similar to the stanced waza since you have to input key combinations, but these do not require a stance. These are performed during a movement / attack and the combination required flows from that movement. This sounds complicated, but it's easier to understand with an example: During a lunge attack, a Hiten-Mitsurugi-Ryuu user can input a combination that activates Kuzu Ryu Sen. Another example is Ryu Shou Sen, which requires you to start the keycombination by crouching (for a small time).Modes: These appear in the same boxes as the stances do but work a bit differently. You can overlap these with other techniques. An example of a mode is Seta Soujiro's Shukuchi or Shishio's Homura Dama. These 'modes' work for a set amount of time, and cost stamina as well.Lunge Attack: This attack is rather similar to an instant waza, as a small keycombination needs to be inputted to use it. When used, a character will leap forwards and deliver either a stab, a punch, a kick, or anything that happens to be their chosen lunge attack. Take heed that you cannot change direction during the lunge. The lunge attack can be cancelled though, the character will simply stop the movement by slowing down.Now for the defensive movement:Block: This is the most defensive way to protect yourself from incoming attacks. Take note that some attacks are not blockable and will simply bypass and hit. Depending on opponent's offensive power : player's defensive power ratio a weaponstruggle in favor for one of them will occur, the opponent will get instantly deflected, or the attack will crush the defense of the defending player.Dodge: The neutral way to protect yourself from incoming attacks. When dodging (by double tapping a movement key) you can put yourself into a more suitable position to attack the attacking player. Take heed that you need to time this correctly, else the attack will hit with full force.Counterattack: The most offensive way to protect yourself from incoming attacks. Once attacked, a player wil hold a counter-button and input an attack to use as a counter. As soon as the weapons of the players collide, a weaponstruggle will initiate with a attackpower : attackpower ratio as a base. Never counterattack against a waza without using a waza of your own, it is deadly. Also, make sure your attack will collide with the opponent's, else you'll still be hit full force.Special note:When countering a Futae No Kiwami with Sano, always use a Futae No Kiwami. This will put you in an advantage, since you'll be able to perform Sanjuu No Kiwami to propel your own Futae No Kiwami power together with the opponent's back to him. Massive damage for such a small amount of stamina needed.Brittleness:Every weapon can only endure so much strain before breaking and this will reflect that. Weapons will slowly break during battle, so keep an eye out on this bar, because once it drops to zero, your weapon will break and you might very well be in a very bad situation afterwards. Of course, stronger attacks or waza will put a heavier strain on your weapon. Use your weapons wisely, if you're sure you can dodge an attack, do so, since you'll be able to use your weapons longer.Upon breaking, three things could happen. In the worst case scenario, you'd have to use unarmed combat. If you don't have any skills with unarmed combat, you cannot even perform chained attacks. You'll really be a sitting duck until you get your hands on a new weapon. Another thing that could happen is that your character continues to use his/her weapon. In case of Kenshin, this would mean he'd continue fighting with his saya (sheeth), in case of Kamiya-Kasshin-Ryuu users this would mean the character would continue fighting on with the hilt. In the best case scenario, your character will simply switch over to a new weapon. In case of Shinomori Aoshi's Kodachi-Nitou-Ryuu, this would mean he'd switch back to Kenpo and a single Kodachi. In case of the Hitokiri Battousai, this would mean switching to the Wakizashi or the Katana, depending on which one breaks.A note of interest is to make sure you are aware of what you can still do when your weapon breaks. Some characters can still use (some of) their waza even when their weapon is broken. Some waza are even only usable with a broken weapon!Status ailments:Some characters' waza can cause statusailments. Take advantage of those when you can cause them, else stay cautious, because some can seriously tip the scales in a flash. Examples of techniques are the Homura Dama and the Kaguzuchi, both causing burn, Ryu Mei Sen, causing deafness (or even temporary blindness if you're using a character with the Shin Gan trait), Rai Ryu Sen, causing blindness (except for Shin Gan users), or a simple poison dart, causing, yes indeed, poison.Localised Damage:As Hiko Seijuro explains Kenshin, there are nine hitzones to the body. RK-R will feature those. A wireframe image of either a male or a female (depending on the sex of your character of course) will show you the health for each of these parts. The health is shown in colors, flowing from green-yellow-orange-red-black (with black being completely disabled).Getting hit too much on one part can drastically decrease performance of said part. Don't leave your weakest spots open too much. It's better to have multiple parts in yellow/yelloworange health zone, than 1 part in red zone._____________________________________________________________There's just NO POSSIBLE WAY this mod can just can't.
Wow, this mod looks to be quite the crowd pleaser...The only thing i'm worried about is the combat, cause, well, it's still JKA... :PMang, read the site. The WHOLE combat system is going to be changed for this mod.....Again, it's still JKA at the core.But it all does look pretty badass. :PWHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE CORE ITS A BADASS MOD. well as bad ass as rurouni kenshin gets but still THATS MORE BADASS THEN having 26" dubs on your bike
The Second Canuck
- Posts: 5421
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Wow, this mod looks to be quite the crowd pleaser...The only thing i'm worried about is the combat, cause, well, it's still JKA... :PMang, read the site. The WHOLE combat system is going to be changed for this mod.....Again, it's still JKA at the core.But it all does look pretty badass. :PWHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE CORE ITS A BADASS MOD. well as bad ass as rurouni kenshin gets but still THATS MORE BADASS THEN having 26" dubs on your bikeWhat are dubs?