I was telling you newbs that buffs are gonna get nerfed up the ASS hardcore. But nooooooo, we won't listen to Shad, it's all a big surprise.Thats a good thing, I cant stand getting buffed.. You cant even do anything in the game without being buffed unless you are in a city or space. Master Doc's are just going to have to spend more time in the Med Centers.. The only stipulation is they need to nerf the creatures aswell.. It would just be gay if i started getting owned by quenkers again.And to all the AFK-BUFF BOTS, HAHA! Thank god, It really pisses me off to see such an easy prof to master like doc getting all the money.. I would like to see a TKM make as much money as a master doc can in an hour.I think the CU will make the game much more enjoyable.
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
I was telling you newbs that buffs are gonna get nerfed up the ASS hardcore. But nooooooo, we won't listen to Shad, it's all a big surprise.Thats a good thing, I cant stand getting buffed.. You cant even do anything in the game without being buffed unless you are in a city or space. Master Doc's are just going to have to spend more time in the Med Centers.. The only stipulation is they need to nerf the creatures aswell.. It would just be gay if i started getting owned by quenkers again.And to all the AFK-BUFF BOTS, HAHA! Thank god, It really pisses me off to see such an easy prof to master like doc getting all the money.. I would like to see a TKM make as much money as a master doc can in an hour.I think the CU will make the game much more enjoyable.Don't worry. What was our total ham around before... 9k ish with full buffs? Well take a 1/3 of that and thats what we got now, 3000. I'd expect the same nerf on them quenkers and huurtons as well
No more blasted MIND poisons >_<

- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
The whole way they're going about it is stupid. They could just add harder monsters. And as for nerfing the proffs, why don't they just make the weaker ones stronger?It would be too much of the same, not enough of different.Im just going to make sure I finish my template before then, And see what happens with it after
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
The whole way they're going about it is stupid. They could just add harder monsters. And as for nerfing the proffs, why don't they just make the weaker ones stronger?It would be too much of the same, not enough of different.Im just going to make sure I finish my template before then, And see what happens with it afterGood plan, just to stay safe. If you want, you could probabally grind master scout or master medic..something easy and when the respec comes just put the points you got from medic/scout/whatever into your new template. But whatever floats your boat, just depends on what your grinding.. (I think commando, but that is a fun grind

wait a minute...if you have 3000 hp anywizzle if you meet the combat number, isn't that the same (almost) as a buff? (well, a bad one?)and furthermore...if there are still the long term 10% buffs.. or the much more efficient (im looking forward to them... so I can do stuff short term and still get somewhere) 20% short term buffs ... which in theory you could keep consuming/watching/buffing over and overing to yourself...so basically... you could have 3600+ health (max.) Plus the buff bonus from food health if you ate the 20% buff enhancers. That means that if you have an average health of 900 before, this is one hellova "buff" ("hitting" for 2700).Did they really even mkae buffs bad??
I think Doc still may be good if they can buff, (and hopefully craft... or else I'll be reliant on BE)... becaus ei could do like 1 or 2k for the short and long term buffs. Not bad, not bad at all! 
