Saw this on G4 tech/tv yesterday.They are doing these video game awards thing and one of the subjects isHardest Boss FightSo I decided to see what you, the loyal people of the forums, had to think.What was the Hardest boss fight of ANY games you have played?for me it would have to be Devil May Cry 3 the final fight with Virgil Due to the mass amount of combos he has to kick your ass with and the fact that he has 2 freaking swords and one just happens to be a boomerang.harder then an over-dose of Viagra.
I would have to say the Kut-Ku from Monster Hunter...No but seriously, I would have to agree with Jordy in saying that Shinobi (for the PS2) had a collection of very hard bosses that I would consider being the hardest I've ever played.I'm sure there's a lot of harder games out there, but that's just what I've played. 8)
i dunno about hardest but my favorite has to be the last level of mystical ninja for n64, i dunno why it was just the first one that came to my head.LAMEST END BOSS: MAJORA'S MASK OMG IT WAS SO EASY
I would have to say the Kut-Ku from Monster Hunter...No but seriously, I would have to agree with Jordy in saying that Shinobi (for the PS2) had a collection of very hard bosses that I would consider being the hardest I've ever played.I'm sure there's a lot of harder games out there, but that's just what I've played. 8)I was thinking of saying Fatty....I mean one on one he could be pretty hard.
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.
I don't play FFXI but I heard some bosses in that game take about 10 hours to kill with a group of like 30 people. Talk about LAMEAll I know with FFXI is that you needed a shitload of people to do ANYTHING. It was almost impossible to solo-grind after a certain level, which is why I quit.