Tournament - UFF
Tournament - UFF
Ok I'll just post it here.. in General Discussion it didn't really work, hopefully it will hereHey there,Yes this is another tournament..But it's different from others, it's about time to bring back the old times, at least that's how pretty many think in Europe. This tournament will be played with Force, and with the Force Rank : Jedi Master, I know many people dislike it, but this is how we were used to play CTF in the old days in Europe.I won't make a huge story of this, I recommend you first reading everything on the forum before you start giving negative arguements, if you don't want to take part, do not reply here!Here's the forum link and please.. please read everything what's on there, I hate it when people start asking questions when they're already written on the forums.UFF Tournament ForumsDanayo.