now here is a crazy idea...manhunt...ON LABYRINTH! not only would it be insanely hard but also scary...the monster....the blades....the weird machines.... :sofa:
lol. We suck at ctf. Only a couple of us play ctf more than once every 2 weeks. When we changed to ctf a lot of our guys left because they didn't want to play. How about next time we do a force ctf match in ctf_outhouse??? I don't have a ctf version yet but it wouldn't take me long to do. And also for next time lest's mamhunt in LM_Bespin_v11. Also possibly a game of golf in the_outhouse if I can get the map workin a little better. Or something in the hangout or somethin. If we played golf in the_outhouse then we could pair up and each pair could start on a different hole...18 holes in all. So pair a FoU with LM for a golf tourney....Will be fun to get together again!!!
I would of played longer, but my parents pulled my plug beucase i didn't do the dishes.. yeah.. if i had the money to live somewhere else, i would. We should definetly do this again. It was fun in the biginning, and just to see all the FoUs come out of their shells to play, it was a great outcome, but i think everyone should know the rules and what we are going to do before we start. I have some screenshots, the one i like the most was when there was like 25 blue players vs one red person, i don't know if you can see.. but it's kinda cool.
I think a rematch would be fun. And we have many now who do like to ctf compared to the last match. Maybe we could get a ctf match/scrimmage or another game of manhunt going again sometime soon