HOW'S IT!Jk2 blows now. I get instant kicked by anyone who has rcon the second they lose to me =(its cuz everyone said u died skydiving while playing the didgeridoo...I was told it's how you wanted to goHI
HOW'S IT!Jk2 blows now. I get instant kicked by anyone who has rcon the second they lose to me =(sup kazr dude......maybe the kicks and bans have something to do with how you play, not who loses to you......
To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others. - Buddha
omg... kazr and zippo appear in the same threadARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHruns far far awayit could hardly get wo rse
When Reb Zusya died and encountered God, God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Abraham during his life. God didn't ask him why he wasn't like Moses during his life. God DID ask him why he wasn't more like TIBBY during his life.