But, I will get rid of those who aren't FoU. :twisted:He uh...means you. WHAT THE FUCK TACO?!YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE GONNA GET WHEN YOU GUYS LET ME JOIN THE CLAN!!!DEAL WIT IT!!!!
Let you join? I remember Snape begging and crying for you to join, don't be so modest.To this day I remember meeting Snape for the first time. He was taunting the tall tower building next to the pad in Bespin Streets and I asked him, "Good Sir...what are you laughing at?"Snape - "That building there is funny"Myself - "May I join you in your poking fun of that structure"Snape - "By all means..."And so...we laughed long into the night...and then after midnight or so on that November Night in 2002, Snape turned to me with his big brown eyes and said..."Taco Taco Taco...with your spelling so poor, won't you join my clan? In which you...we would just adore..."And with that...I typed the words F...o...U next to my name and the rest....is well...history....
Let you join? I remember Snape begging and crying for you to join, don't be so modest.To this day I remember meeting Snape for the first time. He was taunting the tall tower building next to the pad in Bespin Streets and I asked him, "Good Sir...what are you laughing at?"Snape - "That building there is funny"Myself - "May I join you in your poking fun of that structure"Snape - "By all means..."And so...we laughed long into the night...and then after midnight or so on that November Night in 2002, Snape turned to me with his big brown eyes and said..."Taco Taco Taco...with your spelling so poor, won't you join my clan? In which you...we would just adore..."And with that...I typed the words F...o...U next to my name and the rest....is well...history....just 1 single conversation?i had to do all kind of nasty things and still im not in
I remember the conversation going slightly differently...Taco: can I joyn?Snape: Get the fuck away from me fuckface.But after a few hours of cybering and a totally legit online financial transaction we put aside our differences and the rest is history.
I remember the conversation going slightly differently...Taco: can I joyn?Snape: Get the fuck away from me fuckface.But after a few hours of cybering and a totally legit online financial transaction we put aside our differences and the rest is history.Did you mean Facial?(LOL @ Joyn)
I remember the conversation going slightly differently...Taco: can I joyn?Snape: Get the fuck away from me fuckface.But after a few hours of cybering and a totally legit online financial transaction we put aside our differences and the rest is history.owned tobehonest