Heroes Season 3 thread
Glad Peter got his powers back and Sylar's back to being uber evil, but it's getting a bit lame trying to keep up with a character being good/bad/undecided and which powers the "multi-users" have. Especially since they seem to forget themselves. I was also wondering what had happened to that hawt Irish lass.The last few episodes probably did enough for me to keep watching them, since the soap element fizzled out and they actually started using their powers again. But only just.

Damn you heroes, Damn you to hell. Every time I get out you suck me back in with your season openers. Damn you to hell.Indeed.I haven't got round to watching this weeks one yet, but a friend of mine is convinced that Peter's "reset" power now only allows him to absorb and use one power at a time, so he can never have more than one ability. For some reason, he needs to touch people know to learn it... this is new right?!I quite liked last weeks episode and Sylar is still awesome so I'll keep going for now...

No he can definitely have more then one power at a time. Even thou I have not gotten around to watching this weeks either. I am not quite sure if his power evolved or if he absorbed a peice of his fathers power which required touch and his power somehow changed.The reason I say he can use more then one power is how he answer his brother before they caught him. 'Whats the last power you seen me use?" And Sylar is just fucking badass now! Thats what I wanna see, them using their powers every week like crazy throwing people around, killing em and all kinds of crazy shit. I can see why your friend said that thou, because he kept holding on to the net when the planes hull broke after he froze it. I was like why doesnt he let go he can fly.Will have to watch this weeks to be more precise.
I work at burger king making flame broiled whoppers I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with that? Would you like an apple pie with that? Ding!! Fries are done. Din
So Sylar apparently takes on a apprentice because he sees a little bit of himself in this kid who can super heat shit. I don't know if he is just keeping him alive because he knows where his dad is at or maybe he really wants to have someone to use as a meat shield or something. Nathan is crazy. Speedy girl who was cute is now apparently dead (lame). Idk how i feel. It really has gone in a different direction. Slyar needs to stay badass and just do his own thing.
Speedy cute girl will probably be brought back to life, like others that have died already. Just need a dose of Cheerleader blood and all is well. There was that scene with her and Parkman in the future so I don't think she's gone for good.Well it looks like ol' sidemouth can only use one power at a time after all. This got me a thinkin' - maybe that was his original ability? I mean the first thing he could do was dream of the future which I assume he got from his mother. Then he flew after Nathan caught him falling. Next up was Isaac's precognition, soon after Pete had touched him (think he had OD'd). Then... he tussled with Sylar, fell off the school roof and healed when foxy cheerleader touched him. I can see a scenario where it's actually Sylar that gives Pete the ability to have multi powers but maybe I'm just thinking too much into it.Digging Sylar though, probably the best thing about this series right now.

well it kinda sucks that daphne died but she and parkman were boring characters. with this they are trying to breathe life into parkman and make him more interesting. ando hasnt supercharged hiro...im thinkin that the future scene where he kills him is actually him charging him resulting in hiro getting his powers back. sort of like defibrilating his powers. sylar was doin awesome then he went and took on the kid. i hope he kills him. i dont want another stupid 10 minute segment "i dont need him i should kill him....but maybe i can change...maybe i can be good..." bullshit

Agreed. Snape, you might be on to something with the whole sylar thing. We found out that sylar could absorb powers just by being around people and having something to go with empathy and since Peter is such a "full-hearted guy" he could just naturally aborb powers when he was around people. So Snape could very well be correct.