I wasn't sure where i was suppose to post this but whateverLately, several people have been crashing the eKc ctf server on jk2 1.02I was wondering if anyone knew how i could stop this from occuring.Also. I would like to know how i could make a permanent ban list for our server so i don't have to input all the ip addresses back in when the server restarts... :(thanx...and good god, there is a lot of smileys
I don't know about making a permident ban list....But stopping s is something I can help with though....If you ever get the IP of a ..just send it to me and I will take care of him or her.
you do /rcon g_addip replaced with his or her IP of course.Then you will want to copy your mpconfig whenever you ban someone new, that way when the server gets crashed and or gets reset to default you just simply replcae the new mpconfig with the old one you copied :)That way you never get an empty ban list
Yea I just put all the bannings that are on record..in the console again....now knowing that I could of just done that whole file thing....I feel pretty darn foolish..