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Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:19 pm
by Aelebera
all that faunt sense and surge crap is just a guide, you can be 2 badges from glowy and it still only say faint

getting glowy is easy tho ..... especially for Imperial players

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:08 pm
by Pain-Killer
nearly did the warren today........couldnt get into the cell cause i had no fucking password and milra didnt tell me one....did everything else got the proofes,repaired the reactor and grinded fencer 2/4/2/3.damn warren bugg
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:08 pm
by Jordan
all that faunt sense and surge crap is just a guide, you can be 2 badges from glowy and it still only say faint

getting glowy is easy tho ..... especially for Imperial players :oops:Well, guess what No!Anyway, what else can we do to get an inner-glow? She "feels something different about her", and I only feel a faint sense. What other badges can we do?So far I have like...40 poi badges, jabbas, imperial theme park, compassion badge, teraud and...yeah, and teras kasi master, scout master, and I think that's it.Anyway, it was lame. We didn't even get to fight the AT-ST. Basically, all its hp was gone. Poo...

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:52 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
Do all the force-related POIs. I think they're Ben Kenobi's old home (Tat), the Temple of Exar'Kun (Yavin IV), and the Jedi temple(Dant).
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 12:50 am
by Jordan
Do all the force-related POIs. I think they're Ben Kenobi's old home (Tat), the Temple of Exar'Kun (Yavin IV), and the Jedi temple(Dant).Done. Done. And done.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:17 am
by Kamm
Quick question to interrupt this thread.Ok, I want to have a template or something that is good for PvE and PvP (random) but I have no real previous experience cause I never really cared before. Can people throw out a few suggestions please?
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:14 pm
by Jordan
There are a few choices when it comes to this. Since I'm not an avid PvP'er, I can give you some good PvE templates.First of all, Teras Kasi Master is AWESOME. And if you ask Ael, she'll rip out your lungs until you pick it up, he he

and for good reason. It's probably the most balanced professions in the game. You do pretty well in PvE, and fair in PvPMy second favorite PvE profession is swordsman, because...well, you will hear it's the best PvE ever. It's insanely powerful, with mind attacks, b ut probably not the best for PvP unless you get a good scythe.Rifleman would probably be your choice. It's still an extremelypowerful professio. Anyway...I don't know what else to tell ya.
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 8:49 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
Rifleman/Doc is the best template for both PvE and PvP.
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:40 pm
by Darth Bob
rifleman is not good for high level pve such as krayts and NS without a swordsman to tank for you, but together they are unstoppable.
Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:44 pm
by Aelebera
actually its rifle/CM for PvP but closei hate PvP tho i have done it twice ever since starting SWG all those years ago

as for PvE TKM can beat just about anything

however i have a second account im doing BH with, also with novice commando and stuff i can do damage to practically anything

before anyone makes themselves look stupid by saying thats not possible the only damage type i cant do is lightsaber

incase your still wondering how heres a listheavy weapons (LLC and flame thrower) elec and heatcarbines for energy, acid and heatpistols for energy, acid, heat, stun, kinetic, blast(striker = kinetic ... tangle = stun ... launcher = blast)

anyway thats what i am doing as for what professions to go for thats easy do what you want and work with what you have, dont worry about whats best PvE or PvP cause they are all as good as each other when used properly in PvE (PvP is different) but with the "combat upgrade" its all gonna change anyway so i recommend doing whats fun.