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Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:45 pm
by PsychoMidget
Anyone wondering...."where the hell did midget get his name from?" ? lol :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:20 pm
by &Q
My name come from a virus called &Q ans so im like a virus:messing around fuking with pll blah blah....

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:29 pm
by HobarNintendo
Well my name came from some game called Age of Empires : Age of Kings. It was a real time strategy game that me and my friend played alot. The word Hobar was a clan me and my friend started. And Nintendo is a company. Like none of yall knew that.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 12:30 am
by Snake
when i first came i used the trooper model so theres my name trooper, boring huh :)

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 1:07 am
by Kamm
my name is from back in my noobular days....I went around as . then i changed my name to him when i learned stuff so they would say "Hey everybody, look at him." and then theyd all say "Who?" and hed say "him"then i got bored of that and changed it to Chameleon...i began to think that it was kinda gay that i spelled it the right i changed it to Cameleon.I didnt like that either cause i hated the C. So once again i changed it back to Chameleon. I then went thru so many names that i couldnt possibly remember.A soon while after that, I had learned how to by then, I knew how to bind, lie down, run with arms up, do strong moves etc.I had bound all of my keys (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) to reborn skins to act like a chameleon. I got rid of those binds, stuck with the name Chameleon, and went on. Not much later, I changed my name to Kameleon, and I noticed that that became my other alias name...(Is it called alias name?)Thank you for listening to my incredibly long story 8) O yes and, how do i get a friggin picture in my post?!

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:02 am
by tiberius
i wanted a regal dignified name so i chose tiberius....named after whom??????? The First Roman Emperors Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37) TIBERIUS Born: BC42/11/16 Tiberius Claudius Nero on the Palatine Hill Father: Tiberius Claudius Nero, fought against Augustus in civil war in BC40 Mother: Livia Drusilla (later Julia Augusta). Emperor: AD14/08/19 Tiberius Caesar Augustus. Died: AD37/03/16 smothered by Macro in his bed at or near Micenum. History: BC25 military tribune in Cantabria BC23 quaestor BC20 won back standards of Crassus in Parthian campaign BC16 governor of Gaul BC16 married wife1: Vipsania Agrippina, daughter of Agrippa BC? son born: Tiberius Drusus Caesar BC13 consul I BC11 married wife2: Julia, daughter of Augustus BC9 imperator I BC8 imperator II BC7 consul II BC6/06/26 Tribunicia Potestas granted for 5 years BC6 retires to Rhodes BC2 Julia divorced, banished to Pandateria AD2 Aug. allowed back to Rome as privatus AD4/06/26 Tribunicia Potestas (renewed annually from this date) AD4/06/27 adopted by Augustus, became Tiberius Iulius Caesar AD4 adopts his brother Drusus' eldest son: Claudius Germanicus Caesar AD6 imperator III AD8 imperator IV AD9 imperator V AD11 imperator VI AD12 granted supreme power by Augustus AD13 imperator VII AD14/08/19 accession, becomes Tiberius Caesar Augustus AD14-16 Germanicus campaigns in Germany AD15 Mar. 'Pontifex Maximus' AD16 imperator VIII AD16 Germanicus recalled from Rhine AD17 Drusus governor of Pannonia AD17/05/26 Germanicus celebrates triumph AD18 consul III with Germanicus AD18 Germanicus departs for eastern provinces AD19/10/10 Germanicus dies in Antioch AD20/05/27 Drusus celebrates triumph AD21 consul IV with Drusus AD23/09/14 Drusus dies, poisoned by wife Livilla and her lover Sejanus AD26 leaves Rome for Campania AD27 takes up residence on Capri AD29 mother Livia dies, aged 86 AD29 Agrippina beaten and exiled to Pandateria AD29 Nero son of Agrippina banished to Pontic island and forced to commit suicide AD31 consul V with Sejanus AD31 Drusus son of Agrippina starved to death in palace cellar AD31/10/18 Sejanus executed for treason AD33/10/18 Agrippina starves to death

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:24 am
by Miller
god damn, we didn't ask for history class now did we gramps!?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:32 am
by ReDWasK
Anyone wondering...."where the hell did midget get his name from?" ? lol're obviously psycho...and maybe...really short..?lol Tibs, that was quite the history lesson. I take it you were really good friends with him eh? You guys have the same class or something? :twisted: lol

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:18 am
by Christian
that was my first guess as to where you got your name from Tib.....history's one of my favorite subjects and it'd be my major if it didn't involve all teaching jobs :rofl:

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:26 am
by Cypher
i HEAR that chris history channel owns!!!!!!!!! i love history especially greek and roman