Name Origins!!!!
Name Origins!!!!
this might be fun, if you feel like it, tell us all what the hell the story is with your name (not actual name, your JK2 name :p)Why is Snape "Snape"? Is Christian's real name also "Christian"? What the hell is a "Wask" anyway? hope this catches on, could be fun
Ardent is a word that means- ar·dent Pronunciation: 'är-d&ntFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin ardent-, ardens, present participle of ardEre to burn, from ardorDate: 14th century1 : characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity2 : FIERY, HOT <an ardent sun>3 : SHINING, GLOWING <ardent eyes>synonym see IMPASSIONED- ar·dent·ly adverb I am an Ardent smoker and am Ardent in about anything i do. Well now you know, and knowing is half the battel. What The Fuck Is A Wask Anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ardent is a word that means- ar·dent Pronunciation: 'är-d&ntFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin ardent-, ardens, present participle of ardEre to burn, from ardorDate: 14th century1 : characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity2 : FIERY, HOT <an ardent sun>3 : SHINING, GLOWING <ardent eyes>synonym see IMPASSIONED- ar·dent·ly adverb I am an Ardent smoker and am Ardent in about anything i do. Well now you know, and knowing is half the battel. What The Fuck Is A Wask Anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!omfg LOL
{FoU} Step
- Fate of Unwanted
- Fate of Unwanted
It's because of his name. 8) If any one of you mofo's insinuate that my name has ANY relation to Harry Potter I will hunt you down like dawgz!!! Snape is a nickname I've had since I was about 6. All my friends call me it, my workmates call me it... hell even my mum calls me it. Without giving too much away it's derived from my name in some way or other. I've become so used to being called Snape now that if someone calls me by my real name I don't even realise they're talking to me.
Snape is a nickname I've had since I was about 6. All my friends call me it, my workmates call me it... hell even my mum calls me it. Without giving too much away it's derived from my name in some way or other. I've become so used to being called Snape now that if someone calls me by my real name I don't even realise they're talking to me. :?whoa!
{FoU} Step
- Fate of Unwanted
- Fate of Unwanted