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Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:31 pm
by Huvey
bagged milk??

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:39 pm
by DesuMacchi
i dont have a shitty attitude bro, but im not gonna lose any sleep over things I cant change and focus on things that I can. I got enough stress from work, wife, bills - you know - things you can take care of. I dont like what is going on at all, but like I said I myself can't change them and I dont really have the time to worry about it. Other things in my life are more important at this moment :)Like playing video games and such.Of course, the importance of video games is paramount! But what makes America unique (not necessarily better - nods to all brits and such that I love so VERY much) is the ability, the right, and yes, the requirement to be involved in our government and society!If we don't voice our opinions or beliefs, it is a short road to a country that doesn't tolerate our voices at all.After all, this President and Government ARRESTED and detained a woman (Cindy Sheehan) at the State of the Union with a reserved seat ticket for wearing a TSHIRT that had the number of dead American soldiers on it.If we don't vigorously defend our rights to free speech and expression, they won't exist for our children.You don't have to be an activist, just an active participant.I still love you Des!Its all good Zman!I can be an active participant if you put a couple people in front of me that are at the least worth voting for. I have yet to see that happen. I knew I should've voted for Ralph Nader... cuz the other two weren't worth a shit. Who knows either of those bitches could've fucked us even worse. :twisted: Come on Jesse Jackson!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:41 pm
by DesuMacchi
bagged milk??Right, like what ReD's mommy does for him with those old ziplock bags laying around the hoose. Put the bag over the tit and squeeze like hell and fill that beetch up for her son.It A B O O O T Milk time!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:45 pm
by TacoBell
To answer that Red, no they can not prosecute you if they are going after "terrorism" suspesions and then search your house and find weed. That weed as evidence would be thrown out in court in a second.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:49 pm
by Huvey
lucky redwsak

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:58 pm
by ZeligmanZ
To answer that Red, no they can not prosecute you if they are going after "terrorism" suspesions and then search your house and find weed. That weed as evidence would be thrown out in court in a second.ummm taco... you're missing the point... with the patriot act, you don't GO to court.. you can be held in a military prison with NO rights since you may be classified (according to the act) as an enemy combatant...

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:29 pm
by Kuraichi
Wow, not like any of this has ever happened before. /sighPolitics are dumb. Anarchy in the UK.ANARCHY!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:18 am
by Vauce
K this is my last post in this topic. I can't debate on this website, not even with the school teacher without getting immature responses and insults. Way to uphold my views of the education system Z. And yes tib, I am "mr. smartypants". So to hell with what I have to say, obviosuly disagreeing with anyone, even though I told you that I did not look at "The State of the Union" adress is a crime on this website. Grow the fuck up.hate to say this, but you really set it off when you dissed Z. To assume that men like he, with years of knowledge and experience to call on, need to learn something from the likes of a rightwing propogangda site, rather pissed me off. If it is over the top, then so be it, but Americans should wake the fuck up and realize that this is not the country they once knew. All that went out the window when the Supreme Court appointed Bush as president. We have been sliding downhill ever since and the loss of rights and degradation of the US Constitution is of incredible concern to someone who is schooled in the law. I know from whence I speak, too bad you cant say the same. You didnt need to review the SOU to respond to my response had almost nothing to do with that. Grow the fuck up you say.....well, personally i wish i could be like you and be totally oblivious to the fact that our country and way of life are dissappearing in front of our very eyes.............I didn't diss Z once. I just said Z probably knows what he's talking about, but it dosen't seem like any politican would say things like that. Then Z decided to make hypocritical comments and call me childish names. Cute. But now I will diss Z. It's pathetic that a schoolteacher, as you claim to be, will insult someone who didn't even say a negative thing against you. Also you will claim that I am a mindless follwer who looks at what other people say and does not think for myself, and then you start to link me articles that other people have written to prove your point. Tib I never dissed you either, mind your own shit. It's patheic that two of the oldest people who broswe this website can't hold a political conversation without making childish, hypocritical, and irrelevant remarks. So again, grow the fuck up. I'm done with this bullshit thread.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:51 am
by tiberius
To answer that Red, no they can not prosecute you if they are going after "terrorism" suspesions and then search your house and find weed. That weed as evidence would be thrown out in court in a second.omfg taco........sorry but you are so terribly ill-informed. This is one small section of the acts provisions......What is Section 215? * Section 215 allows the FBI to order any person or entity to turn over "any tangible things," so long as the FBI "specif[ies]" that the order is "for an authorized investigation . . . to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities." * Section 215 vastly expands the FBI's power to spy on ordinary people living in the United States, including United States citizens and permanent residents. o The FBI need not show probable cause, nor even reasonable grounds to believe, that the person whose records it seeks is engaged in criminal activity. o The FBI need not have any suspicion that the subject of the investigation is a foreign power or agent of a foreign power. o The FBI can investigate United States persons based in part on their exercise of First Amendment rights, and it can investigate non-United States persons based solely on their exercise of First Amendment rights. + For example, the FBI could spy on a person because they don't like the books she reads, or because they don't like the web sites she visits. They could spy on her because she wrote a letter to the editor that criticized government policy. o Those served with Section 215 orders are prohibited from disclosing the fact to anyone else. Those who are the subjects of the surveillance are never notified that their privacy has been compromised. + If the government had been keeping track of what books a person had been reading, or what web sites she had been visiting, the person would never know.It is not clear how many individuals or organizations have been charged or convicted under the Act. Throughout 2002 and 2003, the Department of Justice refused to release numbers. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft in his 2004 statement The Department of Justice: Working to Keep America Safer reported that there have been 368 individuals criminally charged in terrorism investigations, and later used the numbers 372 and 375. Of these he stated that 194 (later 195) resulted in convictions or guilty pleas. (The original statement Working to Keep America Safer; the statement is reduced to a bullet list in 2004 Criminal Division Annual Report on page 9.). In June 2005, President Bush stated terrorism investigations yielded over 400 charges, more than half of which resulted in convictions or guilty pleas. In some of these cases, federal prosecutors chose to charge suspects with non-terror related crimes for immigration, fraud and in answer to your posit taco, yes they could charge you with possession...............btw,this is exactly what I am talking about,...ppl speak and think in slogans and platitudes, rather than becoming actually informed about whence they speak......!!!!and vauce, on review, some of my statements to you are harsh and personal, but this is no laughing matter, but none the less, I apologize if my words were unduly harsh. maybe you didnt mean for your words to come out the way they sounded....but when you specifically direct someone to a rightwing propoganda blog.....and add the comment "Maybe you'll learn something., this is a diss!!! No other way to color it.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:31 am
by Vauce
Offering an excellent resource for an extreme anti-bush to get another view of the topic at hand is not an insult. That's all it was intended as.