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Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:56 pm
by ZeroEnna
You need to tell me who beats ya up, ill put the fear of God into them and they wont bother you again.Just dont ask how i'll do this.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:24 pm
by Original
Im 17 and I get beaten up ='(do like me and go on kickboksing.....i was 13 when i got beaten up twice in a 16 now...they tried it 2 years ago for the last time... :rambo:

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:29 pm
by VII
You need to tell me who beats ya up, ill put the fear of God into them and they wont bother you again.Just dont ask how i'll do this.8 year old girls and old people ='(

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:35 pm
by Original
*VII meets up a 8 year old girlfriend* VII: hey lisa (i just call her like that) u wanna go out with me? *lisa looks a bit rambo style 2 VII* *VII gets scared* lisa: why should i go out with u when u didnt even brought n e candy.....*lisa cross her arms* VII: eh...err...uhm....well.....i...euuh.....didnt....uuh...had enough money...heh...for candy *VII takes a few staps back* *lisa take a few more forward* VII: SOORRRYY!!!!! I ONLY WANTED 2 GO OUT WITH Uhuuuuhuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....MOMMMMYYY *VII runs away like he never did before*oh this even more crappy then i thought

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:46 pm
by Kuraichi
*VII meets up a 8 year old girlfriend* VII: hey lisa (i just call her like that) u wanna go out with me? *lisa looks a bit rambo style 2 VII* *VII gets scared* lisa: why should i go out with u when u didnt even brought n e candy.....*lisa cross her arms* VII: eh...err...uhm....well.....i...euuh.....didnt....uuh...had enough money...heh...for candy *VII takes a few staps back* *lisa take a few more forward* VII: SOORRRYY!!!!! I ONLY WANTED 2 GO OUT WITH Uhuuuuhuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....MOMMMMYYY *VII runs away like he never did before*oh this even more crappy then i thoughtWow that was sooooo.................Original!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:05 pm
by Original
*VII meets up a 8 year old girlfriend* VII: hey lisa (i just call her like that) u wanna go out with me? *lisa looks a bit rambo style 2 VII* *VII gets scared* lisa: why should i go out with u when u didnt even brought n e candy.....*lisa cross her arms* VII: eh...err...uhm....well.....i...euuh.....didnt....uuh...had enough money...heh...for candy *VII takes a few staps back* *lisa take a few more forward* VII: SOORRRYY!!!!! I ONLY WANTED 2 GO OUT WITH Uhuuuuhuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....MOMMMMYYY *VII runs away like he never did before*oh this even more crappy then i thought[size=18:4746087e37]Wow that was sooooo.................Original!!!![/size:4746087e37]and i heared that about a 1000 times....... 8)

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 7:08 pm
by Kuraichi
Your too Kewl for this world.