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Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 12:13 pm
by Pain-Killer
okaay..weird things happening today(radiant):first i get incapacitated by some stoopid gunrunner,a slayer and 2 dervishes,then the gunrunner shoots the dervishes and kill them (for no reason).then when i stand up i run away and get to some reb base (actually 2 reb bases next to each other) i see some rebs shooting a rebel turret..weird..the turret pwnz them all and was only weakly damaged.. look at teh pixxorz

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 12:26 pm
by Vauce
Pain killer, most of us click and hold the combat chat tab, then drag it out as a new channel. It makes things easier.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:52 pm
by Pain-Killer
lol nice painting,but my normal tab is spatial,i just wanted to show you that these guys attacked each other ;)oh yeaa and by the way,i just surendered all my rifle skills on lowca,i will be a fencer like on radiant..and another thing,i found a mad sword yesterday for 8k,mad mad attack speed oO killing a squill in 30 seconds (with healing myself during combat)

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:03 pm
by DaikatanaGenshu
Nice atk speed on that sword, but the damage could be much better on it. :?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:06 pm
by Pain-Killer
yea hm well pff i dont care cause with some attack the damage is = normal damage x 5

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:08 pm
by Darth Bob
when you get more fencer speed, buy a damage sliced gaffi baton. anyway here is some exlclusive bobkar footage in action.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 8:00 pm
by GuessWho17
Use this as reference how you can easily manage the spatial / combat tabs. Also, personally I like having the buff tabs right above the map where they arent in the way. As for the waypoint / ping monitor, if I want to have my skill monitor up there as well, Ill place it above those (when grinding Unarmed or something like that.) Also, make sure you right click and edit the combat tab so tell's show up there...its very handy when your in tell hell (usually I go into group chat, my group chat only shows group and tell's, which if in tell hell and not in a group then your home free.) As for the HAM bars on enemies and you, some people like to stretch them out across the top, but personally I can't stand that. Fit it to your wants, but I strongly suggest doing the combat bar part atleast. Its a big helper.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:01 am
by DaikatanaGenshu
Oh sorry 'bout that pain, I thought it was a two-handed curved sword. But for a one-handed yea that's pretty nice.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:10 am
by GuessWho17
Early today I was grinding TKA and Pistoleer like the norm (for Radiant.) Anywho I run into this Dark Jedi Master at random, but I get away unharmed. Well...I took a screenie anyways cause I hate those fuckers, they always seem to come around me. The really ironic shit is tonight, when I was running more missions, one of my missions happens to be RIGHT on the fucker. Bitch please.Mind you, theres atleast an 8 hour time difference between the pictures. I swear SOE spawned my mission there on purpose. This makes it 3 times where Dark Jedi Bitches have gotten in my way of grinding...on RADIANT. DIE.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:02 pm
by Jordan
Early today I was grinding TKA and Pistoleer like the norm (for Radiant.) Anywho I run into this Dark Jedi Master at random, but I get away unharmed. Well...I took a screenie anyways cause I hate those fuckers, they always seem to come around me. The really ironic shit is tonight, when I was running more missions, one of my missions happens to be RIGHT on the fucker. Bitch please.Mind you, theres atleast an 8 hour time difference between the pictures. I swear SOE spawned my mission there on purpose. This makes it 3 times where Dark Jedi Bitches have gotten in my way of grinding...on RADIANT. DIE.I've never had a dark jedi master spawn on my lairs... :o