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Hope to get 2 know you all better!!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:04 am
by Screamer
Hey everyone,I have been playing for a while in many servers! Mostly Ffa and Ctf! in fact thats all i play... :D I really want to meet everyone that i can.. so send me messages and ill send them back!!! :lol: :D :) Oh i almost forgot... My name is Screamer but i also use the name Jabba or Baxter! I live in Australia and i am 14yrs old. I go to school with 2 guys that play Jk2!!! :P Their names are Cokeman and Bots ! They were the makers of >LA<...Anywayz apart from that i love Jk2 and i love star wars! I really do hope to met everyone so send me messages !! :wink: kk Cya on the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :( :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :mad: :P :oops: :roll: :twisted: :evil: :cry: :wink: :!: :?: :idea:

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:19 am
by Darth Bob
tiberius eats jk2 players

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:53 am
by BlueWolf05
and poops them out using the magical power of fiber!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:04 am
by Kuraichi
Too...................................many.....................................smilies................................Must ...............KILL..............everyone.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:49 am
by Musashi
Welcome to the boards!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:58 am
by pieman
the smell of fresh meat :shock: Well if you name implies anything about your self, then you’ll fit in just fine

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:59 am
by pieman
the smell of fresh meat :shock: Well if you name implies anything about your self, then you’ll fit in just fineedit: yeah and welcome to the boards. :D

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:03 am
by QuidBoy
the smell of fresh meat :shock: Well if you name implies anything about your self, then you’ll fit in just fineedit: yeah and welcome to the boards. :DFirst of all, there is such thing as the "EDIT" button.Welcome to the boards Screamer! Hope you stick around and chill with us, dawg. Just take off your shoes when you go into the living room, it cost me $135 to clean the carpets, so mind your feet!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:45 am
by Screamer
Lol thanks everyone hope to cya on the game sooon!!!!!!!!!!! :oops:

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:53 am
by Bane
I eat tibby's poo, which in it's turn has been JKII players.Welcome to the boards!