show of hands
show of hands
i know ALOT of the fou people don't play this game anymore but i know a few of us did. but lately i can't find any fou member at all. can't find tibby or cloud, and i knew shadow played for a while and i think i saw hobar a few times too. so .. who still plays this game from time to time?also i think its time for a nother event, mainly because the previous one didnt work out and we still need to do the goodbye thing for jordan
As a Finishing touch. god created the dutch
Fuck Jordon, he didn't even turn up for his own event.We need another get together for the sake of the group.true true. but jordan was kinda busy at the time, and more of us were so i think, IF he aint gone yet, it would be cool to just have a game of jedimaster or holocron. something that has to do with "sabers"
As a Finishing touch. god created the dutch
- FoUster
- Posts: 2130
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm