ok so for our city hall we have a number of choices...1) cyph told me about genesis' city just outside of wayfar. when i alked to him he seemed cool and truthfully, so long as we like...aren't moving in wihth a bunch of jackasses (since i havent seen the place i dont know its residents) i dont mind if we move our stuff there. cause ive heard for buildings like starport u need 50 ppl in ur city for 4 weeks or something like that and we obviously dont have 50 ppl playing.2)make our own city. kameleon has alrdy gone politician plus if anyone else wanted to u guys could take it up or whatever but we will have one. also juggz will get on crashters (granted he hasnt canceled) to build the actual stuff. if we were to build, then here's the materials we need...-1800 metal-4000 lowgrade ore-400 lowgrade ore-20 similar wall modules from a factory crate-6 identical power core from a factory crate-6 identical structure storage modules from a cratei really could go either way on this, my biggest prob with moving to genesis is the other residents. and my biggest prob wih building own is lack of time/manpower...if i had to vote now it would probally be to move to genesis.please vote and state a reason or your thoughts on this

i would say genisis for now, but could someone refresh me who hamo is? i remeber he was a friend in the beginning but i lost track of him. also the sweetest way to get more money, once you have city you put that charge thing on it so when people come in they have to pay, then you gank people and lead them right into the city, i overheard someone saying that some of the top players in SWG used that tactic 

Even though my opinion doesn't matter much, I support moving, (if you guys will let me move with you)
. Reading all the requirements, it's gonna take many hours, and many members to make a good city. Personally, i'm kinda getting sick of the green of Naboo, lol
. Also, you can still have multiple homes, and if you can afford it, (and need to, in order to get resources), stay on Naboo as well. Could I get a waypoint, cuz i'd like to go out and see what it's like, just for fun.The only thing i'm not looking forward to is, (if you allow me to move with you, that is),packing everything over there! lol 

And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!