matrix online beta

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matrix online beta

Post by CrazyTom »

any of you have it?my friend got it and said its really fun. he said the combat is fun, there is melee and longrange fighting. lvling is just like any other game, lvl by lvl nothing different there. 3 basic classes which is not so good but each one branches out to a few more specific proffessions. Hacker, Spy, and Soldier are the main classes i believe. gameplay is overall fun he says. graphics are good and the city is much more diverse than coh where everything looks the same. he also said that you can go in almost every building and explore. and you can climb up pipes and ladders to get to teh top of buildings. you can customize your look. loot = money, clothes, guns, fragments, and pills. with money you can buy all of that stuff too. he says every class pretty much has the basic slow mo matrix kungfu and is not sure if you can enhance it with later lvls or not. he says the slowmo kicks in randomly during combat. he hasnt really looked into factions or pvp yet. and he says it also may be 10 dollars a month! yay!
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Post by hota »

Sounds pwn.
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.
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Post by Juggalo »

I'm willing on trying it when it comes out...
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Post by {FoU}Shatterstar »

I'm willing on trying it when it comes out...yea same here
[shadow=green:9bb764c5b6]~Shat Happens[/shadow:9bb764c5b6]
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Post by Outlaw »

if it is 10 bucks a month and im for it
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